Check Python installation path:

	where python

Before Installating Python, verify wheather it is already installed on our system using where python command.

Check Python Version

	python -V

navigate to the path returnd by where python command. and get the version of python using python -V . Incase it doesn't return the version or you want to install different version of python, follow the below steps.

Installing Python

Navigate to the Offical Python download site and download Python.

Do the following while installation:

Open Python Interpretor from Command Prompt

	python  => it will open python interpretor.
	exit()  => it will exit us from the interpretor.

Python Virtual Environment:

Create virtual environment using venv(Python 3):

	python -m venv C:\path\to\new\virtual_env

Activate Virtual Environment:


Install packages into Virtual Environment:

	pip install [packages-name]
			pip install requests

pip freeze:

	pip freeze

pip freeze will return the list of packages that we installed to a perticular virtual enviornment.